According to the Swedish newspapers, more than 1,500 Swedes many of them, children are missing in Phuket and Krabi, Thailand since Sunday. Eight ID experts from Sweden flew down to Phuket on Dec 30 to help identify the corpses. or Aftonbladet - Members of the Swedish public have posted pictures of their loved ones. Please get in touch if you have seen them. or Expressen is also publicizing the pictures of missing Swedes.
Send an email to with the missing person’s details, personnummer (correct spelling) and picture if possible.
If you need to talk to someone from the Expressen website.
The Swedish Red Cross – (46) 0771-900 800. - The Swedish Church. Local numbers available in the site.
Nationella Hjälplinjen: 020-22 00 60 – National Helpline
BRIS, Barnens Hjälptelefon: 0200-230 230 – Children’s Helpline
BRIS, Vuxentelefon – om barn: 077-150 50 50 Helpline for Adults About Children
Rädda Barnens barnpsykologer: 020-786 786.- Parents and Adults can speak to a psychologist at this number.
Swedish citizens can also get psychiatric help from their local municipalities and join support groups in their areas.
Emergency numbers and contact for Swedes in S.E.Asia
Foreign office
Phone: 08-405 41 00 or 08-405 10 00 (Government switchboard)
Web site: Foreign Office (in Swedish)
Fax: 08-723 11 76
Bangkok: +66 22 63 72 00
Phuket: +66 76 21 10 44
Adress: Pearl Village Hotel, Nai Yang Beach and National Park i Phuket stad
My Travel
Ving o Always): +66 18 930 307
+66 76 21 0445, rum P01
Detour + 66 408 818 97/98 Phuket
08-723 46 00 office in Stockholm
New Delhi:
+91(11) 24 19 71 00
Sri Lanka
Colombo - +94 11 479 54 00
My Travel - +94 777 28 78 39/40
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur - +60 32 05 22 550
Indonesia - Jakarta - + 62 (21) 25 53 59 00
Travel Companies
Fritidsresor: 08-720 74 69
Apollo: 08-673 84 00
My Travel (Ving and Always): 0771-231 23
Aid Collection in Sweden by local and international agencies
Donations via Postgiro accounts
Diakonia: Postgiro - 903304-4
Frälsningsarmén: Postgiro -900480-5
IOGT-NTO i Sri Lanka: Postgiro -90 04 63-1
Lions: Postgiro -90 19 48-0
Lutherhjälpen: Postgiro -90 02 56-9
Läkare utan gränser: Postgiro- 900603-2
Plan Sverige: Postgiro-90 07 31-1 (Mark coupon "Asien")
Radiohjälpen: Postgiro -901950-6
Rädda Barnen: Postgiro -902003-3
Röda Korset: Postgiro -900800-4 (Mark coupon "Andamanerna")
SOS Barnbyar: Postgiro- 90 02 29-6
Unicef Sverige: Postgiro -90 20 01-7 (Mark coupon "Asien")
Posted by Angela Rao
She is running a separate blog called